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After Jeff Bezos’ expensive paper towel roll published a misleading headline, Ben Shapiro let The Washington Post have it. 

After The Washington Post attempted to deceive its readers by publishing a misleading headline and burying important information deep in an article, The Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro blasted The Post’s headline as “the most dishonest headline ever,” on his podcast suggesting that readers would falsely believe that fans of Matt Walsh, upset over Target’s grotesque pride month collection, were responsible for the threats.  Shapiro responded on Tuesday to a The Post article titled “Target Stores See More Bomb Threats Over Pride Merchandise.” Shapiro blasted the outlet for failing to mention that the suspected perpetrators were members of the LGBT “community.” The article also failed to mention that the threats came from people upset over the removal rather than the existence of the pride merchandise. The Post did not make this clear until paragraph 20. Shapiro added, “See, an honest headline would have said, ‘Target stores receive bomb threats over REMOVAL of Pride merchandise.’ But they don't, so you'd think it was all @MattWalshBlog fans phoning in the threats.” 

Shapiro broke down on his eponymous podcast how the leftist newspaper downplayed the only information the article included about the bomb threats with a misleading headline and choice of placement. Shapiro said, “There’s a piece from The Washington Post called ‘Target Stores see more bomb threats over pride merchandise.’ Now, you read that headline and you would think, ‘Who exactly is um, who exactly is threatening with the bombs? Who is making these threats?’ You would think that it was a bunch of wild-eyed right wingers who are making these threats. Well uh, that’s actually not what is happening,” Shapiro told his viewers. 

Shapiro further explained where the The Post eventually fessed up, quoting, “Police in Lafayette, Louisiana searched two stores there and reviewed security footage after bomb threats were sent to multiple news organizations. The unknown senders said target, ‘Betrayed the quote LGBTQ+ community’ and ‘are pathetic cowards who bowed to the wishes of far right extremists who want to exterminate us.’”

In frustration at the absurd story, Shapiro tweeted out that “The media are F***ing garbage.”

The Post has covered this subject before, including an article whining about Target’s decision to remove pride month items made by a Satanic designer. The outlet published another article which acknowledges bomb threats from leftists while emphasizing conservative criticism in a piece headlined, “Emboldened shoppers threaten Target workers over Pride Month items.”

Conservatives are under attack! Contact The Washington Post at 202-334-6000 and demand that they fairly present available information, rather than plaster ring-wing wrongdoing front and center and left-wing wrongdoing in paragraph 20.