Democrats need to embrace the lawsuit-happy attitude of New York
Attorney General Elliot Spitzer, according to the October 2 New York
Times Magazine.
A pro-Spitzer piece in the Times by Noam Scheiber, an
editor for the left-leaning New Republic, whitewashed all of
Spitzers numerous lawsuits as simply forcing businesses and their
customers to pay the cost of their actions.
Woefully lacking in the Times piece were the detailed
complaints of the industries targeted by Spitzers office. The
June 10 Wall Street Journal described the typical Spitzer
tactic: The Attorney General has become famous for assailing
a business practice that is either controversial or legally
ambiguous, and then using leaks via the media and the threat of
indictment or the destruction of an entire company to force his
targets to surrender. When Spitzer did take a broker to court, he
lost on all 29 counts.
Spitzer generally takes on large businesses that dont
want the negative publicity associated with lawsuits. A former head
of Canary Capital paid $40 million to make him go away. In a case
against power plants, Scheiber took the pro-Spitzer approach that
all in all it looked more like a sting operation than an
environmental case. Several of the companies eventually backed
Spitzers office has gone after numerous businesses
including Moodys credit ratings; Wall Street research practices;
and the insurance industry. He had a well-publicized battle with
former NYSE Chairman Dick Grasso when he claimed Grasso earned too
much money. Scheiber left out the hypocrisy of the parade of
million-dollar cases that perfectly coincides with Spitzers own
plans to run for New York governor.
Scheiber raised the question Spitzerism: Is a
prosecutor's zeal what the Democrats need? but he already had his
own answer. In the
Times article he discussed the positive influence that Spitzer
is having on Democrats, while ignoring his negative effects on
everyone else.
And this wasnt the first time Scheiber praised
Spitzer. In a December 2002 New Republic article, Scheiber cited the
attorney general as pragmatic and a centrist with a
pro-consumer agenda who knows exactly what he's doing.
Scheiber also knew exactly what he was doing. He stated
that although Spitzerism has infuriated Republican critics and
helped individual Democrats win statewide office, so far it hasn't
meant much to the Democratic Party as a whole. He then asked the
question more Democrats are asking: is Spitzerism useful only in
the narrow context of Democratic law-enforcement officials running
for higher office? Or is there, lurking somewhere in Spitzer's
experience, an approach that Democrats around the country could mine
for political success?
The thrust of the article wasnt whether Spitzer was
applying the law, but whether his unique interpretation could
somehow benefit Democrats.
Times Joins the Anti-Corporate Bandwagon
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