The U.S.
Census Bureau released poverty figures for 2004 on August 30, and if
you were to take the mainstream media reports on the subject at face
value, you would have to conclude that things are pretty bad in our
nation. By leaving out that the latest data is actually as good as
or better than 20 of the last 25 years, the reports spun a good news
story into just the opposite.
For instance,
this is from David Leonhardts
article in the August 31 New York Times:
The census's
annual report card on the nation's economic well-being showed that a
four-year-old expansion had still not done much to benefit many
Not to be
outdone, Jonathan Weisman and Ceci Connolly of The Washington Post
this to say:
The Census
Bureau's annual report on income, poverty and health insurance sheds
light on voter discontent with the economy in the face of seemingly
strong economic data. The broad data draw a picture of a labor
market still struggling to find its footing, three years after the
2001 recession.
What both of
these articles did was create a false comparison. They exclusively
related current data to those achieved during the peak of the stock
market bubble and the middle of the period when corporations were
using questionable accounting practices to inflate their earnings.
And, they skipped any reference to todays data that offered a
better perspective of how these numbers compare to more realistic
periods in our history times not impacted by absurd stock
valuations and fraudulent corporate reporting.
For instance,
as depicted in
Table 2 of this Census Bureau report, the current poverty rate
of 12.7 percent is equal to or better than six of the eight years
under Clinton. Only 1999 and 2000, in the midst of the tech bubble
and corporate governance abuses, were better.
importantly, 2004s 12.7 percent is better than 20 out of the past
25 years. Again, the only years that were better in the 80s and
90s were 1999 and 2000. Additionally, the current 12.7 percent rate
is better than the 12.8 percent registered in 1989 at the peak of
the 80s economic recovery. And, for even greater historical
reference, 2004s 12.7 percent rate has only been bested in 13 of
the last 56 years.
Beyond this,
these articles neglected to compare the increases in poverty
resulting from previous recessions to this most recent one. For
instance, in 1979, poverty was at 11.7 percent. By 1983, it had
risen to 15.2 percent, an increase of nearly a third. In 1989 the
poverty rate was 12.8 percent. By 1993, it had risen to 15.1
percent, roughly one-fifth higher.
The first
thing these numbers illustrate that was not addressed in either of
these articles is that it normally takes four years after a
recession begins for the poverty rate to peak. The increase in
poverty since the 2001 recession is significantly less than in the
previous two, and appears to be leveling off at a rate that is about
2.5 percent lower than those post-recession peaks. Having bottomed
at 11.3 percent in 2000, the current poverty rate has increased to
12.7 percent in four years or only one-ninth higher.
Somehow both
articles portrayed this as evidence of doom. They also referred to
regional differences in poverty increases but left out essential
information. For instance, according to Census Bureaus
Table 9, almost 69 percent of the increase in poverty over the
past four years comes from the Midwest and the South. By contrast,
poverty increases in the Northeast and the West over the past four
years are quite small.
Both articles
failed to address the difference between the recent increases in
citizen versus non-citizen poverty rates. For instance, according to
Table 23, there has only been a 268,000-person increase in
poverty among foreign-born naturalized citizens over the past four
years. The poverty rate in this group has only gone from 9.0 percent
in 2000 to 9.8 percent in 2004.
during the same period, the number of foreign-born non-citizens in
poverty has increased by 837,000, moving this poverty rate from 19.2
percent in 2000 to 21.6 percent in 2004. That makes this demographic
the largest impacted by poverty as a percentage, and means that more
than 15 percent of the increase in poverty over the past four years
is from non-citizens, a fact The New York Times and The Washington
Post didnt share with their readers.
Finally, both
articles suggested the lack of inflation-adjusted income gains in
our current expansion is unprecedented, and they implied that this
recovery phase is weaker than those in the past:
There has
always been a lag between the end of a recession and the resumption
of raises, [Phillip L. Swagel, a resident scholar at the American
Enterprise Institute] added, but the length of this lag has been
However, as
can be seen from the following chart, the past two economic
recoveries have started with exactly the same income pattern as this
For example,
the late 1970s and 1980s recoveries ended with 10- to 15-percent
increases in real median household incomes. When their associated
recessions started, those incomes declined and then leveled off for
several years with no significant increases before eventually
resuming a movement higher. That means there is ample precedent for
the current delay in income gains.
The problems
in these articles highlight an ongoing issue occurring in many
mainstream economic reports: The stories consistently compare
current data to only one moment in history while ignoring how the
numbers relate to other time periods.
To benchmark
numbers against only one time period is bad enough, but the period
typically being employed as the yardstick today is one in which all
economic data was inflated by an unsustainable stock market bubble
and erroneous financial reporting from much of the corporate world.
Noel Sheppard is an economist, business owner and contributing
writer for the Business & Media Institute. He is also member of the Media
Research Centers NewsBusters squad. He welcomes your feedback at
Media Do Poor Job of Reporting on the Poor
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