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Mike Lee Blasts Soros-Funded ProPublica for Attacks on Thomas Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) went scorched earth on the massive George Soros-affiliated machine that went after Justice Clarence Thomas.

Lee exposed the hypocrisy of the Democrats who complained about dark money while benefiting from it and the hypocrisy of the Clarence Thomas hit pieces by ProPublica.  Lee noted that  many of the left-wing organizations connected to ProPublica–like the leftist Sandler Foundation and Soros’s Open Society Foundation–have used the outlet’s reporting to fund efforts to pack the Court and force Thomas to resign. He knocked ProPublica for “supporting this [court ethics] legislation; openly, actively, aggressively gunning for it” in its reporting. Soros’ Open Society Foundations funneled $1,625,008 into ProPublica between 2016 and 2021. 



Hit pieces like those written by ProPublica come as Senate Democrats, led by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), plot to advance an outrageous Supreme Court-related ethics bill that “would impose a code of conduct” for justices on the Court, despite the fact that there are “pre-existing ethics rules in places [sic] for the justices, governed by a separate body.”

“Let me tell you a little bit about how liberal dark money is funding these activist hit pieces underlying this legislation and the perceived need for it on the left,” Lee said. “These activist hit pieces written by ProPublica, while also funding the activist groups, [are] calling for court packing and supporting this legislation…. This is the same ProPublica that publishes hit pieces on Justice Thomas and on Justice Alito, while simultaneously turning a blind eye to other conduct from those justices appointed by Democrats.” 

Lee then explained that the leftist Sandler Foundation, an 18 year, $51 million donor to the American Civil Liberties Union and the founder and main funder of ProPublica, likewise donates to the Campaign Legal Center and the American Constitution Society. “Both organizations publicly called for the investigations of Justice Thomas shortly after ProPublica’s hit piece on Justice Thomas,” Lee noted. 

Lee mentioned other leftist organizations funded by the Sandler Foundation including Arabella Advisors’ “New Venture Fund,” which “earmarked” Sandler money for the insane court-packing organization Demand Justice. Demand Justice, which also received more than $1,337,000 from Soros, fought in favor of Roe v. Wade, used the “bodily autonomy of pregnant people in the country” as a pawn to support court packing and openly favored liberal justices over conservative justices.These are the types of crazy organizations associated with the supposedly “independent” ProPublica.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact ProPublica at (212) 514-5250 or and demand that it stop being a shill for Soros and the Sandlers in its reporting.