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The left will stop at nothing to push the global warming narrative. Time magazine recently released a special edition called “Global Warming: The Causes, The Perils, The Solutions” dedicated entirely to illustrate a “basis for hope” in regards to “pushing for solutions to our most pressing environmental threats.” This 120-page glossy booklet was an eco-nut’s go-to guide on the subject.

Time’s environmental writer Bryan Walsh wrote and edited the booklet (with Time correspondents) which offered the standard one-sided perspective on global warming: it is a problem, fossil fuels are bad, population growth is a big worry and warming will cause a vast array of problems including drought and flooding. This was the same Walsh who told Time readers in 2007 “consider the case closed on global warming” and who asked Former Vice President Al Gore if he had a “moral obligation” to run for President because of the “importance” of climate change.

But no scary warming publication would be complete without the here’s what you can do about it section. Time’s booklet ended with a list of 20 things you can do to help reduce global warming. Overall, the list was predictable – don’t use plastic bags, go vegetarian, use solar power, use CFLs – but a few things on the list were hilariously contradictory.

Because “[d]ense urban living reduces energy wasted on transportation and building,” Time said people should move to the city. That doesn’t seem too crazy … but just wait.

Only a few suggestions later, Time urged people to “downsize your home.” One of the more bizarre lefty environmental ideas is that of micro-living. According to Time, “Houses in the U.S. have bulked up in recent decades …” Their solution? “A smaller home will cost less to heat and cool.” In other words, move to the city and into a tiny home or apartment.

Another one of the suggestions, number 14, was to hang up a clothesline … in your tiny home … in the city … “Sixty percent of the energy associated with clothing is spent on washing and drying. Air dry to save carbon,” Time said. Where exactly in that tiny home will there be room for this clothesline is a mystery.

Time followed that parade of ideas with another genius idea to telecommute more. “A study of Boeing found that its 80,000 workers in Puget Sound traveled the equivalent of 85 times around the Earth on their daily commutes,” the article claimed as it promoted telecommuting as the solution. But haven’t we already moved to the city to be closer to our jobs? And since we downsized our homes, there probably won’t be any space for a luxury like a home office. Maybe we’ll just hang our laptops from the clothesline.