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The Media Love Gore All the More
Entertainment Weekly, Time praise the environmentalist laptop-wielding ninja

By Ken Shepherd
Business & Media Institute
June 1, 2006

     The media still love Al Gore. The week of the wide release of his new film An Inconvenient Truth, two major magazines heaped praise on the earth toned-warrior.

     The former presidential candidate has pulled his charisma out of the lockbox to give a harrowing ecological lesson, cooed the sub-headline to a gushy movie review in the June 2 Entertainment Weekly. Writer Owen Gleiberman said that Gores new documentary will, by the time youre done watching beg the question Which way on Gods green earth would you want to err on global warming.

     Meanwhile in the June 5 Time magazine, writer Karen Tumulty pondered if Clintons former Number 2 will shoot for Air Force One in 2008. The Time writer found Gore a scorned, washed-up politician transformed into a laptop-wielding ninja aiming to rescue the planet from the forces of greed and indifference with his new feature film, set for wide release on June 2.

     The accolades heaped on Gore were just a continuation of a trend that the Business & Media Institute documented on May 24. In that report, BMI found 23 times Gore made an appearance in a months time frame on news programs on ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN.