NSA has massive database of Americans phone calls, blared the
headline for the May 11 USA Today. But a government agency many
Americans dread, particularly every April, has much more personal
information on file: the IRS.
The National Security Agency has been secretly
collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans,
using data provided by AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, according to
people with direct knowledge of the arrangement, the papers
Leslie Cauley led off
her story.
This program does not involve the National Security
Agency listening to or recording conversations, Cauley wrote,
noting her sources told her the data was collected to analyze
calling patterns in an effort to detect terrorist activity.
All three network morning shows led their May 11
editions with Cauleys exclusive. ABCs Diane Sawyer interviewed
Cauley on Good Morning America, where she said its a very good
bet that viewers at home have had their phone call logs turned over
to the NSA. Cauley told Sawyer that Social Security numbers,
addresses, or names were not released by phone companies to the NSA.
The media havent shown the same concern about the
intrusions of the IRS, which invades the lives of all taxpayers.
That agency collects much more personal information on the average
taxpayer, including
marital status
number of dependents
daytime telephone number
total wages and compensation for a given year
If you choose to itemize your deductions, Big Brother
may also know where you worship and which charitable organizations
you donate to. The IRS also would have a record of your credit card
number or checking account number, depending on how you pay your
Media Concerned about Government Having Phone Numbers
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