A liberal blogger who blamed war profiteers, neo-conservatives,
and supporters of Israel as three real reasons for the war in
Iraq was Parade magazines choice to ask Is
the American Dream Still Possible
in the April 23 edition of the magazine.
On HuffingtonPost.com Nov. 23, 2005, David Wallechinsky
argued that It is a simple fact of life that when there is a war,
there is money to be made. In short, War is great for business
if you happen to be Halliburton, he railed, echoing a persistent
attack line of far-left critics of the Bush administration.
Wallechinskys HuffingtonPost
bio describes him as a contributing editor to Parade magazine who
writes about dictators, the federal budget and other topics.
Apparently, casting a gloomy pall over the strong American economy
and misrepresenting study data are among those other topics.
Wallechinsky cherry-picked poll results from his
magazines own survey of middle-income Americans about their
financial outlooks. He left out of his write-up how 84 percent
the vast majority of respondents said it is still possible to
achieve the American Dream and 74 percent said they take
responsibility for their own financial success or failure.
Ignoring that, Wallechinskys story focused on survey
results showing 83 percent complaining of having little money to
spare after paying the bills or 81 percent who believe businesses
dont make decisions based on what is best for their employees.
Although most of the families Wallechinsky found were
optimistic about their personal circumstances, Parade editors
selected negative quotes for the insets, including the charge by
Richard Oden of Conyers, Ga., that for most Americans, the
traditional American Dream is a pipe dream. Oden heads his own
consulting firm and admitted he believes he will recover from a
financial setback he suffered a few years ago.
Blogger Who Blamed Halliburton for Iraq Rains on U.S. Economys Parade
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