The medias concerted push on climate change continues with Vanity
Fairs first ever Green Issue.
The special editions release in mid-April is hardly
accidental, with Earth Day coming up on April 22 and former Vice
President Al Gores new book, An
Inconvenient Truth, being released in mid-May.
Gore and three other celebrity activists dubbed
eco-power players by the magazine graced the verdant cover, which
warned that global warming is a threat graver than terrorism.
Inside, the May 2006 magazine featured an essay by the former Vice
President comparing President George W. Bush to Neville Chamberlain.
Adding to the media
drumbeat, Gore began his essay, The Moment of Truth, with a
famous clich about the Chinese characters for crisis.
Cliches are, by definition, overused. But here is a
rare exception, Gore insisted, recalling that The Chinese
expression for crisis consists of two characters, one for danger
and the other for opportunity. The rapid accumulation of
global-warming pollution, Gore insisted, was a threat, particularly
since we in the United States seem to be having such difficulty
perceiving that danger.
The former Democratic presidential nominee proceeded to
work in comparing President Bush to British Hitler-appeaser Neville
Chamberlain. Nearly 70 years ago British Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain found it inconvenient to see the truth about the Nazi
threat, Gore wrote, before comparing Churchills political rhetoric
to liberal prophecies of destruction from climate change.
Complete with photo essays featuring glamour shots of
celebrities, environmental activists, and two liberal-leaning
Republican governors, the special issue, boasts editor
Graydon Carter, presents an increased commitment to reporting
on the threat to our precious environment.
Business & Media Institute tracks the mainstream medias wildly
unbalanced coverage of
climate change.
Vanity Fair Declares Global Warming Threat Graver than Terrorism
suggested reading