Andy Serwers economic reporting brings to mind the Saturday Night
Live skits portraying Sean Connery as a contestant in Celebrity
Jeopardy hes often providing answers that dont correspond with
On the November 18 edition of CNNs American Morning,
Serwer, a business reporter, labeled a spending measure narrowly
passed hours earlier in a late-night session of the House of
Representatives as a spending-cut bill, when spending actually
continued to grow.
Serwer also scoffed that a $4-billion oil tax the
Senate passed around the same time amounted to a hill of beans,
even though a study by a former Clinton/Gore economic advisor showed
it would discourage production of domestic oil and harm retirement
savings for millions of investors.
On November 16, The Wall Street Journal pointed out the
House budget plan had no spending cuts, only reductions in the rate
of spending. The GOP plan reduces the increase in the federal
budget by a microscopic 0.25% over the next five years, noted the
Journal, adding that the new prescription drug bill by itself adds
some $300 billion to the budget over this same five years.
Far from being cut, the Journal noted, Medicaid, which
provides health care for the poor, is scheduled to grow by 7.9% a
year, and under the GOP plan it would grow by 7.5% a year.
In the end, the reduction in spending growth wasnt
even that much. The
Washington Post reported on November 18 that passage of the
spending bill was narrowly secured after drilling in the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) was removed and $4 billion was added
to planned Medicaid spending.
Meanwhile, the not-so-small $4-billion windfall
profits tax passed by the Senate has been criticized soundly by
economists and not just free-market ones for the harm it would
bring the economy.
J. Shapiro, a former economic policy advisor for Bill Clinton
and Al Gore, estimated that an additional 50 percent tax on U.S.
domestic producers for selling oil at the world price, applied to
revenues that exceed $40 per barrel, would discourage domestic oil
production and increase U.S. dependence on imports from the Persian
Whats more, Shapiro added, such a tax would impose an
economic burden on American savers and retirees, whose pension plans
and retirement accounts typically include significant investments,
direct or indirect, in oil company shares.
The bottom line for American stockholders is no hill of
beans. By reducing both the market value of those shares and the
dividends they pay, concluded Shapiro and study co-author Nam Pham,
a windfall profits tax would affect the value of most peoples
retirement savings.
$4B Tax a Hill of Beans to CNNs Serwer
suggested reading