can’t stand Grover Norquist. For years, they have lambasted and
name-called Norquist, the president of American’s for Tax Reform: a
staunch anti-tax hike group. But now the liberal media is also focused
on him, in some cases rejoicing that he might lose his “stranglehold”
over Republicans on the issue of taxes.
websites like Daily Kos, Salon and The Huffington Post all exude
vitriol with phrases like “idiot terrorist,” “anti-tax jihadist,” “enemy
of the state” and “anti-tax fetishist.” HuffPo has been gleefully
reporting about GOP tax “defectors” for over a year, long before it
became the liberal media’s obsession.
While network and cable news programs haven’t been quite as insulting distain for his views have been clear. CNN’s Ali Velshi called him a “dangerous man”
on Nov. 30. The media seem to have followed the lead of the left by
obsessing over Norquist and his no tax hikes pledge. Norquist has been specifically mentioned in at least
10 network news reports about taxes and the fiscal cliff from Nov. 12
to Nov. 27, usually in stories touting Republicans who wanted to “mutiny” on tax increases. The Nov. 25, 2012, Sunday news talk shows also had three discussions mentioning him.
Charlie Rose and Norah O’Donnell lobbied Sen. Bob Corker, to commit to tax increases and “forgo the pledge because it is outdated” on the Nov. 25, CBS “This Morning.” roughly a week earlier, CNN’s Christine Romans and Soledad O’Brien had teamed up to pressure a Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, to tear up the no-tax hike pledge as well.
websites and many other news outlets have broached the topic. Brian
Montopoli wrote on suggested that much of the GOP is hostage to their pledges
not to raise taxes and by other “powerful” groups like Club for Growth.
CNN’s Piers Morgan belittled Norquist to his face, saying “Everyone [is] laughing at you from afar.” In that interview, Morgan also called the pledge “farcical.”
Even more recently, on Dec. 2, ABC’s Cokie Roberts called it “politically smart to cut the knees out of from under Grover Norquist.”
And the print media has also been on the attack. The New York Times has
printed multiple stories and editorials railing against Norquist,
including Frank Bruni’s column “Is Grover Finally Over?” In that he
declared “Pledges are for purists, who have no place in a democracy.”
long before the liberal news media jumped on the idea people were
ditching Norquist’s pledge, left-wing website The Huffington Post had
been reporting gleefully about Republicans trying to defect. A full year
earlier, In Nov. 2011, long before the current debate over the fiscal
cliff and potential tax increases, HuffPo’s Luke Johnson wrote that “a
growing number of House lawmakers” wanted to back out of their pledges
to “never raise taxes.” One of the lawmakers they mentioned was Rep.
Steven LaTourette of Ohio. The same story cited Democratic Sen. Harry
Reid’s claim that the Republicans were “being led like puppets” by
Another popular left-wing website,, also attacked Norquist using labels like “anti-tax fanatic” and “anti-tax jihadist”
way back in the summer of 2011. That article by Joan Walsh, called
“Standing up to the hostage-takers” was critical of Obama’s “compromise”
on the debt ceiling. Another Salon piece, from February 2009, portrayed
him as crazy, criticizing “the loopy mendacity of Grover Norquist.”
Media Join Left-Wing Assault on Grover Norquist

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