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Despite the fact that the mainstream media failed to take the ClimateGate scandal seriously, booksellers have taken notice. One book that arrived on bookstore shelves and display tables in January 2011 was 'Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax.'

Larry Bell, the author and an aerospace expert, examined the seriousness of the ClimateGate scandal, but doesn't stop there. His book takes a broad look at the global warming movement and many of the criticisms not repeated by the mainstream news media. He tackles the 'big lie' of the climate change crisis head on and claims that the politicization of science has led to its corruption.

Bell discusses the uncertainty of past temperature data as well as models that predict future temperatures.

'Global climate forecast models are really nothing more than informed, but highly speculative, guesses produced by untested methods, which are easily manipulated to comply with preconceived expectations,' Bell wrote. 'Even in regard to local weather predictions, the ability to really forecast beyond about 10 days in unrealistic … Climate models are no different, and they have never demonstrated an ability to predict changes even 10 years ahead, much less 100 years or more.'

In the fourth chapter, 'Feverish Climate Change,' Bell challenges many of the doomsday predictions about rising sea levels, melting ice, the possible extinction of polar bears, declining penguin populations and many other exaggerated claims.

As Bell noted the plight of polar bears, he mentioned the news media's willingness to promote the global warming agenda. CBS's Scott Pelley's 2008 report citing a declining polar bear population in the Western Hudson Bay, while ignoring that the total population had surged since the 1970s. Bell also mentioned ABC and NBC examples of dire warnings about the bears' 'epic struggle for survival.'

Bell dug up the fact that the reporters had ignored: only five years earlier, a United States Geological Survey has reported polar bear 'populations may now be at historic highs.'

Other chapters detail the political 'hijacking of science,' problems with cap-and-trade including potential for fraud and the truth about the expense of 'green' energy. In the final section of 'Climate of Corruption,' Bell argued that the best way forward would 'reenergizing free enterprise,' 'demanding truth and accountability' regarding climate science,' and 'exercising U.S. exceptionalism.'

'Climate of Corruption' can be found in many bookstores and on More of Bell's writing can be found in his regular column on climate related issues for