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Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) broke the internet when he announced that he would be objecting to certification of the Electoral College results on January 6. 

He also broke one of America’s leading retailers. Walmart attacked him for it in a quickly deleted tweet that read, “Go ahead. Get your 2 hour debate. #soreloser.” Hawley was ready for them, and his response was brutal.

In a follow-up tweet, Hawley went for the critical blow: "Thanks ⁦@Walmart⁩ for your insulting condescension. Now that you’ve insulted 75 million Americans, will you at least apologize for using slave labor?” Hawley didn’t let up, and proceeded to kick the liberal business giant when it was down for the count: “Or maybe you’d like to apologize for the pathetic wages you pay your workers as you drive mom and pop stores out of business.”

Ouch, somebody call 911.

Walmart Senior Manager Casey Staheli then claimed to the Washington Examiner that this was a mistake by the company’s social media team:

'The tweet was mistakenly posted by a member of our social media team who intended to publish this comment to their personal account … We have removed the post and have no intention of commenting on the subject of certifying the electoral college. We apologize to Senator Hawley for this error and any confusion about our position.'

The company didn’t announce any disciplinary actions for that employee on Twitter as of the publication of this article.

But recent activities by Walmart personalities have tied the company to lefty causes, which would have made such sentiment expressed in the deleted tweet seem like par for the course.

Walmart billionaire heiress Christy Walton was discovered to have provided $40,000 to the insufferable NeverTrump Lincoln Project. The group had been running disgusting attack ads all year against President Donald Trump and Republican congressional candidates.

Notice how these errors always lean in one direction?

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Walmart at 1-800-925-6278 and demand it polices its social media accounts better.