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You have to wonder what Diane Sawyer and her team at ABC’s “World News” are thinking. Is the Huffington Post the best they could do when it comes to reaching out to Americans for their ideas on the economy?


In a Sept. 23 post on the Huffington Post, “World News” anchor Diane Sawyer explains to readers that she and her team in search of “innovative ideas that are helping turn the economy around.”


“And so next week a team at World News is heading out to search for innovative ideas that are helping turn the economy around,” Sawyer wrote. “Real change is often born out of a simple act. One ripple can lead to a powerful transformation. So we are starting with our hometowns, looking for resilience in the places we know best. David Muir to Syracuse; Sharyn Alfonsi to Georgetown, South Carolina; Ron Claiborne to Oakland; and Bill Weir to Milwaukee. Taking you to our homes and out with the people we see making a difference.”


Sounds reasonable – except she also asks for readers of the left-wing Huffington Post to offer their ideas as well and praises the openly “progressive” editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington and even plugs her book.


“But this is just the beginning for us,” Sawyer wrote. “We are going nationwide. Asking all of you to tell us your ideas for igniting the spirit of hope and change in your hometown. We've been excited to see all the ideas on the Huffington Post and have been following Arianna's championing of the middle class through her ‘Third World America’ book tour.”


So this begs the question, will Sawyer reach out to readers of a right-leaning website as she has with Huffington Post readers? Whose book will she promote? We probably shouldn’t hold our breaths on that happening.

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