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     “Do as we say, not as we do,” should be NBC’s “Today” show motto.

     After going out of the way to show how environmentally conscious they were in a “going green” series, the cast of NBC’s “Today” abandoned that as part of a Super Bowl bet.

     After the New York Giants defeated the New England Patriots 17-14 in the Super Bowl on February 3, co-anchor Meredith Vieira had to make good on a bet she lost with “Today” co-anchor Matt Lauer.

     “[Y]ou know, let’s check the traffic chopper, chopper four for Meredith – to see how traffic is over the West Side [of New York City] – and you can see, it’s still clear,” “Today” meteorologist Al Roker said. “It’s still clear, the traffic and in fact, it’s perfect for planes flying overhead, ‘Giants Rule, Meredith drools.’”

     Had the Patriots won the Super Bowl, a plane would have flown over Boston with the banner, “Patriots Rule, Matt Drools,” according to the NBC Web site.

     The stunt comes as the “Today” show has put an emphasis on the environment. The January 22 episode of “Today” featured the show’s personalities – Vieira, Lauer, Roker and Ann Curry carpooling to work, but only for one day and while complaining how lame it was.

     Other “Today” pro-green segments involved paying more for green products, crusading against paper and plastic grocery bags and praising a government mandate for compact fluorescent bulbs.

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