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     Want to know how to get on CNN these days?


     Make a music video in a grocery store with you and your sibling pretending to urinate on produce in a stock room, smacking each other in the crotch with beets, opening and licking the contents of a container on the shelf and standing with bananas sticking out of your boxer shorts. Then post it on the Internet.


     Throw in a doctored grocery store advertising circular and take a shot at Mexican immigrants and it might even land you on one of the network’s top shows, “American Morning” – where “hosts John Roberts and Kiran Chetry bring you the most news in the morning every weekday.”


     “Well, we made it to kind of spoof on ‘gangsta’ rap,” said Mark D’Avella. “So [we had been working in produce] ten years combined. And after a while we were just kinda like it would be funny to make this video. And it worked well with a school project.”


     Makes you wonder what they’re teaching in school these days. Needless to say, Chetry was impressed on August 30.


     “All right, so now you guys – by the way it was pretty good editing,” said Chetry “You major in this in college?”


     The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., parent company of the supermarket chain A&P, filed a lawsuit against Mark D'Avella, 22, and Matthew D'Avella, 19, for their YouTube video. “American Morning” only offered a statement from the company’s president and CEO, Eric Claus:


“The video shows them licking, gesturing, and doing absolutely deplorable things with produce. This is in total contrast to the food safety standards that we uphold as a company.”


     “American Morning” clearly supported the brothers instead of the company that had its reputation damaged because of the video.

     Although she didn’t show an obvious approval of the two’s video, Chetry did offer them advice – “You never know there could be a bright side,” said Chetry.  “Maybe Kevin Federline would like to star in your next video. You guys can produce for him over there in Hollywood.”