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     The “CBS Evening News” is really pulling out all the stops to make the push for socialized medicine, but they’re not being correct with their presentation of the facts.


     “It’s well known that far too many Americans have no health insurance, but what you might not know is that young adults make up nearly a third of the uninsured,” said anchor Katie Couric on August 8.

     The “CBS Evening News” is really pulling out all the stops to make the push for socialized medicine, but they’re not being correct with their presentation of the facts.


     “It’s well known that far too many Americans have no health insurance, but what you might not know is that young adults make up nearly a third of the uninsured,” said anchor Katie Couric on August 8.


     “According to a report today by the Commonwealth Fund, 45 million Americans have no coverage,” continued Couric.


     As a large graphic screamed that “45 million Americans have no health insurance,” Couric made an incorrect statement by reporting the Commonwealth Fund statistic. There are not 45 million uninsured Americans, but there are 45 million uninsured people in the United States – citizens and non-citizens.


     The data cited by the Commonwealth Fund in their report is from the U.S. Census Bureau report “Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2005.” The report puts the number of uninsured people in the United States at a 45.306 million.


     That same report reveals 9.487 million people are “not a citizen.” So, if you subtract the non-citizens from that number, you will get a little more than 35.8 million uninsured “Americans.”


     Business & Media Institute has pointed out that the number of uninsured Americans is not 45 million and proved that the number of uninsured who actually need assistance from the government is even lower.


     Michael Moore claimed in his movie “SiCKO,” on his Web site and in various media appearances Moore wrongly claimed there were up to 50 million “Americans” without health insurance.

     Newsbusters also wrote about Couric’s promotion of universal health care on August 8.