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Editor, The Washington Times

Dear Editor:

Citibank will now reject delivery of a corporate jet. As you report, "Pressure to cancel the deal came from the Obama administration and amid a chorus of concerns from politicians who are worried about how banks that have received federal funds are spending the money" ("Citigroup won't accept new jet," Jan. 28).

Overlook the sad fact that bailout money is being used to exponentially expand the scope of market activities over which government exercises direct control, and instead ask: Does no one see the sick hypocrisy here? A man who flies in a private jet paid for exclusively with taxpayer funds (Air Force One) scolds other persons for flying in private jets paid for only in part with taxpayer funds.


Donald J. Boudreaux

Don Boudreaux is the Chairman of the Department of Economics at George Mason University and a Business & Media Institute adviser.