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Center for Public Integrity

Board of Directors:

Christiane Amanpour - Anchor of 'This Week with Christiane Amanpour,' ABC's Sunday morning political affairs program

Sheila Coronel - Director of The Toni Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism

Charles Eisendrath - Director of the Knight-Wallace Fellows and the Livingston Awards for Young Journalists at the University of Michigan

Arianna Huffington - President and Editor-in-Chief of Huffington Post Media Group, including: The Huffington Post, AOL Media and AOL Local properties

Jennifer 8. Lee - Author and nine-year veteran of The New York Times. She also serves on the Nieman Foundation advisory board

Charles Lewis -Founding executive editor of the new Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University's School of Communication

Olivia Ma - News manager and part of the news and politics team at YouTube

Paula Williams Madison - Chairman and CEO of Madison Media Management LLC, recently retired from NBC Universal

Geneva Overholser - Director of the School of Journalism at the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication

Matt Thompson - Editorial product manager at National Public Radio and adjunct faculty member at the Poynter Institute

Advisory Council

Gustavo Godoy - Executive editor and publisher of Vista, a monthly magazine for Hispanic Americans

Kathleen Hall Jamieson - Walter H. Annenberg Dean of the Annenberg School for Communication of the University of Pennsylvania

Michele Norris - Host of NPR's newsmagazine All Things Considered

Charles Piller - Senior investigative reporter for the Sacramento Bee

Ben Sherwood - ABC News president and former 'Good Morning America' executive producer

Center for Investigative Reporting

Board of Directors

Phil Bronstein - Director of Content Development & Editor-at-Large Hearst Newspapers

David Boardman - Executive Editor and Senior Vice President, The Seattle Times

Jon Funabiki - Professor of journalism at San Francisco State University

George Osterkamp - Producer for CBS News

Board of Advisers

Lowell Bergman - Producer/correspondent for PBS series 'Frontline' and professor of Investigative Reporting at University of California Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism

Sarah Cohen - Knight Professor of the Practice of Journalism and Public Policy at Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy. She is on the board of directors for Investigative Reporters and Editors

Len Downie - Vice president and former executive editor for The Washington Post

Elizabeth Farnsworth - Special correspondent for PBS 'Newshour'

Seymour Hersh - Staff writer, The New Yorker

Dori Maynard - President, Maynard Institute

Bill Moyers - Host of 'Bill Moyers Journal' on PBS

Raul Ramirez - Executive Director, News and Public Affairs, KQED San Francisco

Orville Schell - Former dean of University of California Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism

Susan Stamberg - Special correspondent, National Public Radio

Mike Wallace - Recently retired from his work as a CBS '60 Minutes' correspondent, is now a correspondent emeritus for CBS

Judy Woodruff - Co-anchor PBS 'NewsHour'


Board of Directors

Alberto Ibargüen - President and CEO of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and former publisher of The Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald

Journalism Advisory Board

Jill Abramson - New executive editor of The New York Times

David Boardman - Executive editor of the Seattle Times

John S. Carroll - Former editor of the Los Angeles Times and Baltimore Sun

L. Gordon Crovitz - Former publisher of The Wall Street Journal

David Gergen - Senior political analyst for CNN

Shawn McIntosh - Director of culture and change at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Ellen Miller - Executive director of The Sunlight Foundation

Priscilla Painton - Editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster

Allan Sloan - Senior editor-at-large for Fortune magazine

Kerry Smith - Senior vice president for editorial quality of ABC News

Cynthia A. Tucker - Editorial page editor for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


Business Advisory Council

William Pollak - CEO, ALM Media LLC


Free Press

Board of Directors

Maxie C. Jackson III - President and CEO for the National Federation of Community Broadcasters


Organization of News Ombudsmen

Officers and Directors

Jacob Möllerup - Danish Broadcasting Corporation and president of ONO

Debbie Kornmiller - Reader advocate of the Arizona Daily Star

Julie Miville-Dechene - Radio-Canada

Judi Whetstine - Gazette Communications


Investigative News Network

Board of Directors

Brant Houston - Chair of the Board & Knight Chair of Investigative Reporting, University of Illinois Journalism Dept.

Charles Lewis - Board Member & Executive Editor, The American University School of Communication Investigative Reporting Workshop

Robert Rosenthal - Center for Investigative Reporting Board Member & Executive Director

William Buzenberg - Executive Director, The Center for Public Integrity

Laura Frank - Executive Director, I-News, the Rocky Mountain Investigative News Network

Margaret Freivogel - Board Member & Editor, St. Louis Beacon


Soros-related organizations

This is a partial list of the media organizations that have staffers on the boards of Soros-funded media outlets.








Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Arizona Daily Star

Associated Press

El Nuevo Herald


Gazette Communications

Hearst Newspapers

Houston Chronicle

New York Times

The New Yorker

Sacramento Bee

Seattle Times

Simon & Schuster

Toronto Star

USA Today


Washington Post



AOL/Huffington Post

St. Louis Beacon







Danish Broadcasting Corporation





American University School of Communication Investigative Reporting Workshop

Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism's Columbia Journalism Review

Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy

Toni Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism

University of Illinois

University of Michigan

University of Pennsylvania Annenberg School for Communication

University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication School of Journalism




Investigative Reporters and EditorsJames L. Knight Foundation

Madison Media Management LLC

Maynard Institute

National Federation of Community Broadcasters

Nieman Foundation

Poynter Institute

Sunlight Foundation

Tides Foundation