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Asset managers are using Americans’ own money against them to impose leftist environmental, social and governance (ESG) ideology on them, at the expense of their pension fund and personal retirement account values, former Carl’s Jr. CEO Andy Puzder warns.

“There is a real threat, and that’s ESG investing and what these large asset managers are trying to impose on the American people – using American people’s own money to implement these policies,” the former fast food franchise CEO said Thursday in an interview on “Tucker Carlson Today.”

“And not just big investors, but people’s pension funds,” Host Tucker Carlson added.

“This is a terrible trend in this country – and I think a lot of it descends from this ESG mentality that the Left has been able to impose on us through, and controlled by, these asset managers of American business, America’s private sector,” Puzder said.

What’s more, the Left has imposed on the American people a Group-Think mentality that has all the earmarks of a religion, Puzder said:

“We’re facing a Group-Think on the Left that’s really metastasized – almost into a religion.

“They use things like climate change, like equity over equality. We’re no longer talking about hiring people based on merit. We’re no longer talking about hiring people based on diversity.

“Forget Martin Luther King’s ‘We should judge people based on their character, and their qualifications, their merit’ - we’re now openly judging people based on their race and their sex.”

“Look: if you want to change the world, do it at the ballot box or do it with your own money,” Puzder said.

Editor's Note: This piece reprinted with permission and was first published on