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Read Hillary's Lips: 'No New Bureaucracy'

The return of HillaryCare is draped in free-market language like choice and private insurance. But dont be fooled there are enough tax hikes, government expansion and mandates to go around. Just dont ask the media to find out the details.

In an election season, the truth about the economy is of the utmost importance. Want your friends and colleagues to hear the other side of issues like HillaryCare and global warming policy? Forward this edition of The Balance Sheet! To subscribe, all you have to do is click here.

G: ABCs Stossel shows why universal health care is a bad idea
B: CBS advertises radical group ACORNs push for a housing bailout
U: Dont cry for the polar bears, ABC
Its All about Saving the Global Warming Mascot: The Polar Bear

CNN Warns of a Recession, Ignores Stock Market Gains

Bank of America Bashed for Raising ATM Fees

Select the Media Research Center this fall in the  Combined Federal Campaign

CFC# 12489

Republicans Can Win on Health Care
The Wall Street Journal

Polar Bears Thriving as the Arctic Warms Up
The Telegraph (U.K.)

Bringing the Market to Health Care
American Enterprise Institute

Cap-and-Trade Could Cost Average Family $10,800 in Lost Income
Free Enterprise Education Institute

How the Fed Works
The American Magazine

Biotechnology and the Patent System: The Economic Implications of the Proposed Patent Reform Act of 2007
Sept. 25, 2007, Washington, D.C.
American Enterprise Institute

Thriving or Threatened? Perspectives on the State of U.S. Manufacturing in a Global Economy
Sept. 25, 2007, Washington, D.C.
Cato Institute

China, Global Petro-Politics and the U.S. Economy
Sept. 26, 2007, Indianapolis, Ind.
Sagamore Institute

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