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Networks Still Get High on Gas
Gas prices have been dropping since May 25 before Memorial Day but broadcasters keep bemoaning rising prices. BMI noticed this trend last year and it continues this summer. According to the networks, prices are still skyrocketing, soaring and painfully high.

New NASA Temperature Data Yet Another Reason to Re-Assess Global Warming Scare
In a special column for BMI, climatology professor Dr. Tim Ball explains that faulty data abounds in the foundational arguments of climate change zealots.

G: NBC Praises American Ingenuity
B: CBS Housing Industry Reporter Admits to Own Mortgage Trouble
U: Time Blames Lenders & Promotes Further Mortgage Market Regulation

NBCs Latest Financial Expert: Mad Cramer

Two Shows Shift Focus from Airlines to Governments Problems with Air Travel

Credit-Crunched CBS Journalist Reports on Families in Same Situation

Select the Media Research Center this fall in the  Combined Federal Campaign

CFC# 12489

Understanding the Current Financial Turmoil

Global Warming: No Urgent Danger; No Quick Fix
Cato Institute

Bernanke to the Rescue with a Surgical Strike
Hudson Institute

CEOs, Like Athletes, Compensated For Their Successful Performances

Energy Today, Energy Tomorrow
August 27, 2007, Washington D.C.
Independent Womens Forum

China, Global Petro-Politics and the U.S. Economy
Sept. 26, 2007 Indianapolis, Ind.
Sagamore Institute

Deflating Housing Bubble II
Oct. 11, 2007, Washington, D.C.
American Enterprise Institute

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