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'Jobs Americans Wont Do'

The notorious immigration-related phrase seems to have left the president's vocabulary. He's exchanged it for jobs Americans "aren't doing." But the media picked it up awhile ago and have been addressing the idea, despite its obvious flaws.

A $40-Billion Scandal With a Capital D
Networks continue to downplay or skip fiasco at Democrat-run Fannie Mae.

G: NY Times reports how free markets make the Emerald Isle greener
B: CBS pushes price gouging claim but ignores evidence to the contrary
U: Media continue to swim down Love Canal with Gore coverage

CBS Uses Immigration to Push Teacher Pay Complaint

Do Immigrants Pay Fair Share of Taxes?

Media Loving Gore All the More


Lessons Detroit should insource from India (Reason)

Immigration wisdom in the Senate (

Venezuela under Chavez: The path toward dictatorship (AEI)

Repeal the death tax, increase federal revenues (Heritage)

Death and Taxes: The economics of the federal estate tax (Tax Foundation)

TV From the OC to DC: Anaheim, Congress and Video Competition
The Heritage Foundation
Washington, D.C., June 8

Buy or Die: Market Mechanisms to Reduce the National Organ Shortage
American Enterprise Institute
Washington, D.C., June 12

Should the government regulate the net?
Americas Future Foundation
Panelists and location TBA, June 15

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