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Its Easy Being Green

Whats that smell? Whether its cow manure, home barbecues or just plain sweat, the media smell energy efficiency. Theyre taking every opportunity to remind us about global warming, promoting anything that purports to save energy.

Tax Gave New Meaning to Long Distance
May the recently departed phone tax and all other punishing government schemes R.I.P.

G: Washington Post shows private sector key to urban renewal
B: ABC celebrates Kelo-inspired land grab as David vs. Goliath victory
U: NBC over-inflates housing bubble with unusual mortgage numbers
Washington Post Magazine Scoffs at Global Warming Skeptics

Networks Revisit Scare Tax, Showing High Gas Prices Onscreen

NBC Pumps Up Housing Bubble with Extreme Example


Does Al Gore need to go on an energy diet? (CEI)

Farm Subsidies: An obstacle to trade (Cato podcast)

Phone tax dead at 108 (New York Times)

How to avoid more Enrons: legalize fraud (TCSDaily)

Why imported nurses are just what the doctor ordered (Reason)

BMI and TCS Daily present
The Creative Class vs. Capitalism: How Hollywood Portrays Business and Commerce
National Press Club, Washington, D.C., June 6

Two Views on Global Development: Revive the Invisible Hand or Strengthen a "Society of States"?
Cato Institute
Washington, D.C., June 7

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