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The Free Market Project is now the Business & Media Institute! To read more about this exciting step for our organization please visit

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Media Al Gore
Journalists love story about Al Gore celebrates the politician, the advocate and the entertainer all leading up to his one-sided movie and book on global warming that come out today called An Inconvenient Truth.

A New Low for Record Highs
Media are a broken record themselves when reporting gas prices, from erroneous highs to non-existent price gouging.

G: USA Today reports on a strong job market
B: Parade marches out more negativism on economy
U: ABCs Kofman blows global warming-hurricane link out of proportion
ABC, CBS Ignore Price Gouging Report

Networks' Silence on Corrupt Fannie Mae Continues

SPECIAL REPORT: Fire and Ice: 100 Years of Climate Change Coverage


Corzines new taxes would add more weeds to Garden State economy (NTU)

Amanda Carpenter: Fashion mags lean leftward on guns, govt. (Human Events)

Federal pay outpaces private-sector pay (Cato Institute)

Telecom reform on Georgias mind (Heartland)

Republicans out of gas when it comes to energy policy (Cato)

2006 Bradley Symposium
Hudson Institute
Washington, D.C., May 25

Stupid Schools How the Government Monopoly Cheats Kids
Hosted by the Bluegrass Institute
Lexington, Ky. May 25

The SECs Interactive Data Revolution
American Enterprise Institute
Washington, D.C., May 30

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