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Earth Day Special

The Business & Media Institute wishes everyone a happy Earth Day on April 22. But before you recycle something, check out our new paper-free article on HBOs Too Hot Not to Handle, airing on the 22nd, and our own Alaska pipeline retrospective ahead of PBSs, which airs April 24.

Why Are We Over a Barrel?
Networks blame big, bad oil companies for gas and oil prices but skip threats, taxes and increased demand.

G: Chicago Tribune explains the reasons for oils climbing price
B: Post slams wealthy landowners, ignores government's role in real estate
U: ABC blames oil industry using complaint of a man-on-the-street

Time Plugs Eco-Tourist Spa with Air Conditioning, Jacuzzis

Networks Complain of Record-High Oil that Isnt

Shocking News: The Economy Is Producing Good Jobs

Vanity Fair Declares Global Warming Threat Graver than Terrorism

A 50% tax burden is a frightening prospect for tax days in the future (Tax Foundation)

Don Boudreaux: Why capital grows, and why open trade will keep America rich (

How the Senate porks up with taxpayer dollars for emergency spending (Heritage)

Its time for the FCC to sign off the airwaves, for good (CEI)

Ben Wattenberg: We need immigrants (AEI)

Guns and Butter: Promoting Economic Growth and Prosperity
The Heritage Foundation
Washington, D.C. April 21

The Mises Circle Luncheon Seminar on Austrian Economics
Costa Mesa, CA May 6
To RSVP, visit

Consumer Directed Health Care Conference
San Francisco, CA May 8-10

CEI Annual Dinner
Washington, D.C. May 23
Click here

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