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New from the Business & Media Institute

Whos Afraid of a Little Inflation?
Disco is just a party theme or a radio station playlist nowadays, but the media are clamoring about the 1970s. As several economists have pointed out, worries about widespread neo-Carter-era inflation based on higher gas prices are overblown and economically incorrect.

Attack on Avian Flu Drug Patent a Major Threat
World governments are refusing to recognize Roches patent on Tamiflu, the anti-viral medication many believe to be the hope for avian flu patients. As leaders from the United Nations to the U.S. Senate press for the pharmaceutical company to give up the drug, they are eroding the very incentive that leads to the creation of such helpful treatments.

Its Beginning to Look a Lot Like Negativity
As the leaves start to fall, the media are already in their holiday spirit of economic pessimism. Theyve been forecasting a bad Christmas retail season since August. But the National Retail Federation says consumers arent the Scrooges the media suggest.

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly tracks the best and worst media coverage of business and economics. Readers are invited to submit suggestions or news tips to Director Dan Gainor.
This week: A regular story with a premium result; have a blue Christmas; and the silly side of CNN.

Also from BMI:

Bernanke Nomination Brings Out Medias Economic Concerns

CNNs In the Money Team Loves Jabs at Wal-Mart

NBC Still Promoting Downside of GM Labor Contract

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Research, News & Commentary

Government Spending/Taxes:

Research: The Cato Institute warns that Colorados noted taxpayer bill of rights is threatened by a new ballot initiative.

Commentary: Pete DuPont takes a cue from Johnnie Cochran: if you dont want to spend, you must amend.

Health Care

Commentary: Former FDA official Henry Miller says the FDA holds up new drugs in a complicated review process, all the while limiting consumers options for treatment.

Research: Whos driving up health care costs? The Manhattan Institute Center for Legal Policy says its Trial Lawyers, Inc. Their latest report details litigations impact on health care and offers prescriptions for restoring sanity to the system.


Research: The National Center for Policy Analysis points out the negative impact of a living wage on low income families.

Commentary: Larry Kudlow explains what the president must do to bolster the economy.

Commentary: Tech Central Stations Tim Worstall writes about the passing of Arthur Seldon, one of the lesser-known fathers of economic liberty.

Commentary: Pointing to immigration and a powerful free market economy, Cathy Young explains why poverty is a matter of culture, not money.


Research: The Competitive Enterprise Institute outlines steps to release and supercharge our communications policies by reforming regulations.