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New from the Business & Media Institute

Special Report: Trade Secrets
Lou Dobbs Tonight Hides Good News Behind Negative View of Free Market
Lou Dobbs is a CNN institution. But just what is this longtime business journalist telling his viewers about trade? The Business & Media Institute looked at four months of Lou Dobbs Tonight and found that Dobbs is overwhelmingly biased against the free market.

Networks Send Plaintiffs Message to Drugmakers
Was the Vioxx verdict about a scientific link between a drug and a death, or about a warning to drug companies? Broadcasters gave ample time to the plaintiffs attacks on Merck & Co. but werent anywhere near as fair to the defendant, in keeping with media trends in litigation coverage.

Econ 101: Are Housing Prices Too High?
Dr. Gary Wolfram is a Business & Media Institute adviser and a professor of economics at Hillsdale College. His column this month explains why media fears of a housing bubble are often based on faulty economics.
Ask the professor: Do you have a question about an economic issue covered in the news?

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly tracks the best and worst media coverage of business and economics. Readers are invited to submit suggestions or news tips to Director Dan Gainor.
This week: Its not oil, its refining capacity; the suns addictive rays; oils breaking point.

Follow the medias ongoing Gas Hysteria daily with the Business & Media Institute:

More Media Go Drilling for Viewers

Times Scares Readers with the Crisis Ahead

Missing the Point on Prices

Research, News & Commentary


Commentary: Columnist Thomas Sowell calms fears with facts on the subject of an oil crisis.

News: The Competitive Enterprise Institute says new mileage guidelines for light trucks could be the death of drivers.

Commentary: Heritages Ariel Cohen and William Schirano take a look at the history of OPEC and its harmful supply-fixing, market-controlling ways.

Research: Kevin Bonsor and Ed Grabianowski take an informative journey through How Gas Prices Work on


Commentary: Harvard business Professsor Pankaj Ghemawat and business consultant Ken A. Mark tackle popular claims against Wal-Mart, showing how lower-income shoppers benefit from the stores low prices.


Commentary: Prices are rising at colleges and universities, and AEIs Richard Vedder explains that the lack of a true free market is one of six major causes.