Despite the fact that mining
fatalities in the United States have dropped while production
has increased, the news media have indicted an entire industry and
the Sago mine in particular for safety records. They found help from
ready union sources, who cropped up frequently in coverage even
though the mine wasnt unionized. ABC News heaped blame on Wilbur
Ross, head of the International Coal Group (NYSE:
ICO), which acquired the mine just two months before the accident.
Instead of covering the investigation and giving the facts context,
ABC reporter Brian Ross settled for calling the businessman a coal
baron and declaring him cheap to his face.
ABC aired a merciless attack interview from reporter Brian Ross on
the January 5 Primetime. The investigative report amounted to a
series of rapid-fire questions that the businessman wasnt given
time to answer. The reporter and the mine owner share the same last
Brian Ross wouldnt let viewers forget that International Coal Group
owner Wilbur Ross was a billionaire, repeating it three times
during the report. He mentioned a skyscraper office twice, as well
as the owners homes on Fifth Avenue, the Hamptons and Palm Beach
and likened him to the coal barons of the 19th and early 20th
Though mine owner Wilbur Ross tried to tell the ABC reporter that he
needed to put the Sago mine and its violations in the context of
the industry, the journalist wouldnt let him get a word in
edgewise (see video at right). Instead, Brian Ross let members of
the West Virginia community and a former union miner do all the
talking, stacking the deck against the company.
To top it off, reporter Brian Ross called Wilbur Ross cheap to his
face. Asking the mine owner about the $2 million fund the company
was setting up for the deceased miners families, the reporter said,
Youre a billionaire by all accounts. How did you come up with a
figure of $2 million? It seems, with all due respect, sir, sort of
In keeping with media trends, Brian Ross painted a picture of a
heartless corporate villain who has made too much money. He shifted
the focus to Wilbur Ross recent lavish wedding, the talk of New
York society, as the camera panned across pictures of the mine
owner and his smiling blonde bride and then contrasted that with a
West Virginia woman who said that in her state, people, you know,
here care. Money isnt everything, you know.
Questions of Safety
Brian Ross said the tiny Sago mine in West Virginia had been in
bankruptcy for two years when Ross bought it and bought into a mine
that, for its size, may have been the most dangerous coal mine in
America. The reporter didnt mention that by keeping a bankrupt
business going, the new owners were sustaining jobs for a community.
And Luke Popovich of the National Mining Association said Brian
Ross generalization about Sagos safety was a rash statement.
Theres no objective measurement by which one could make that
inflammatory assertion, Popovich said. Theres really no
incompatibility between productivity and safety.
According to the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA),
there had been no fatalities at the Sago mine in the last decade,
from 1995 to 2005. As for the much-reported safety violations,
journalists failed to put them in context but simply touted raw
numbers. That can be misleading, Popovich said, because safety
violations are subjective Its not as definitive as running a red
light. He said you have to be careful making inferences based on
sheer numbers of violations.
ABCs Lisa Stark reported on the increase in Sagos violations from
2004 to 2005 on the January 3 World News Tonight. She included
Davitt McAteer, a former assistant secretary for MSHA, who said the
increase showed things are not improving, but in fact are getting
worse from a safety standpoint. Stark piled on that A recent
government report found half of all violations were not corrected by
the required deadline. Then Stark turned to United Mine Workers
Daniel Kane, who said to ignore them means that people will be hurt
and people will be killed.
Implying that management was ignoring safety warnings is baseless,
said the National Mining Associations Luke Popovich. Although
journalists and others insinuated that the company was cutting costs
at the expense of safety, Popovich said: It certainly is not the
case with Wilbur Ross and the way he has run steel mills.
Popovich pointed out in an interview with the Business & Media Institute
that managers cant hire people to work in unsafe places, so it
doesnt even make sense to suggest that they would overlook safety.
And although regulation imposes penalties, nothing outweighs the
human tragedy of an explosion. What fine could ever approach the
disaster that this mine is suffering? Popovich said.
To add a bit of context, the MSHA said that of the 208 citations,
orders and safeguards issued in 2005, none involved an immediate
risk of injury. Less than half of the citations against Sago Mine in
2005 were for significant and substantial violations and all but
three have been corrected by the operator. The three remaining
issues, which relate to roof control, were being addressed by the
Nevertheless, on the NBC Nightly News January 4, Martin Savidge
didnt give the company a chance to comment, even as he declared
that Sago says safety is a priority, but family members disagree.
A miners son accused the mine owners of knowing its unsafe but
they just keep letting the men go in there. Savidge then put in a
plug for more government intervention: The tragedy may bring
tougher regulation. As one former miner put it, new safety laws are
often written in blood.
Likewise, on the January 5 Today on NBC, one of the children of
fallen miner Terry Helms gave her opinion that the mine should have
been shut down. Katie Couric asked, weve heard a lot about the
violations that have been cited in terms of safety in this
particular mine. Do you think that the families will take any kind
of legal action or is that the last thing on their minds right now?
Amber Helms took Courics bait and replied, It might be the last
thing, but its the biggest thing thats going to happen after these
miners are put to rest. Because, honestly, if if they had that
many violations, I dont care how small, they shouldnt have had the
mines open, in my opinion.
West Virginians werent the only ones giving their non-expert
opinions on mine safety. On the January 4 CBS Evening News Bob
Schieffer asked reporter Bob Orr: Bob, the one question that occurs
to me, did these miners know about all these safety violations that
had been reported when they went down into that mine? In his reply,
Orr merely reported varying opinions. Its unclear, Orr said.
People here say there were reports of safety problems, but the
safety problems were kind of written off as relatively minor at
the same time, the experts have told us, thats a large number of
violations. It should have been a red flag.
Mine shutdowns, however, arent something that happens every day.
reported that in 2005 it had issued 18 separate withdrawal orders to
Sago, which shut down mining activity in specific areas of the mine
until health and safety problems were corrected by the operator. All
of the safety issues that caused the withdrawal orders were
corrected. It would be unusual for MSHA to shut down an entire mine
unless there were mine-wide hazards that the mine operator did not
remedy within the abatement requirements of the Mine Act.
NBCs Tom Costello gave a rare explanation of safety measures the
company had taken in his January 7 Nightly News report: The mine
had been cited in 2005 for a buildup of methane and coal dust.
Ironically, the new owners had sealed off the problem area to
prevent an explosion.
Union Sources
Although the Sago mine is not unionized, journalists repeatedly
turned to union workers for their assessment of the mines safety
and management. On the January 6 World News Tonight, ABCs
Elizabeth Vargas said, Union officials have said the mine was not
operating safely and included comment from a United Mine Workers
spokesman without comment from the mine or mining company.
The night before on World News Tonight, Lisa Stark went to
Clinton-era officials and union leader Richard Trumka to build a
case against the MSHA, charging that Democrats say the Bush
administration has filled at least four key positions with industry
insiders. Stark didnt include any current officials perspectives.
On the NBC Nightly News January 5, Tom Costello inserted the union
line. Although its not a union mine, the union is speaking out,
Costello said. A United Mine Workers spokesman called Sagos
reprimands imminent danger violations, despite the MSHAs report
on its Web site that the of the 208 citations, orders and
safeguards issued in 2005, none involved an immediate risk of
injury. Costello also wondered aloud why the number of safety
violations had increased between 2004 and 2005 which the MSHA said
was due to increased monitoring, not necessarily increased problems.
For more information about mining fatalities and regulation:
Media Quick to Blame Industry for Mining Tragedy
suggested reading