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Editor’s Note: story contains explicit descriptions some readers may find offensive.

Yet another liberal media entity has suspended a high-ranking executive for serious sexual harassment allegations that go back to 2008.

Independent Media Institute (IMI) executive director Don Hazen has been placed on “indefinite” leave after six women accused him of inappropriately touching them and showing them explicit pictures of himself, according to Buzzfeed. IMI, which publishes the liberal outlet AlterNet, has received nearly $4.5 million since 2003 from donors including Soros’ Open Society Institute, the Ford Foundation, the Packard Foundation and the Park Foundation.

“[F]ive women journalists have told BuzzFeed News that Hazen sexually harassed them while they worked for AlterNet, touching them inappropriately, discussing their sex lives, making unwanted advances, sending explicit emails, and showing them explicit photographs — including one of his naked, erect penis,” Buzzfeed reported on Dec. 21

Another women who was not an employee of AlterNet made similar allegations. All six women spoke to Buzzfeed on the record and agreed to have their names published by the outlet. The allegations went back as far as 2008 and have been corroborated 11 other sources as well as Gchats and emails.

“I deny most of allegations as have been presented to me by Buzzfeed, and I believe that others have been mischaracterized,” Hazen said in an email to Buzzfeed.

AlterNet has published numerous stories on the wave of sexual harassment charges in the last several months. Just one week ago, AlterNet writer Sophie Linden lamented “Sexual Harassment Trainings Aren’t Protecting Women at Work the Way They Should.” Salon Writer Amanda Marcotte was republished by AlterNet in November when she asked why the sexual assault charges against President Donald Trump were not being investigated.

Perhaps the most hypocritical AlterNet article was one penned by Hazen himself in July, 2017. In it, he blamed “toxic masculinity and patriarchy” for Trump’s election victory and spoke out against sexism. But, if the allegations are true, he did not take his own words to heart.

IMI’s board of directors includes members from multiple liberal organizations like New World Foundation president Colin Greer and New World Foundation Senior Program Officer Heeten Kalan. The New World Foundation has received nearly $1 million from Soros between 2006 and 2011.

Robert Greenwald, a Film Producer and Director for Brave New Films, also sits on IMI’s board. Brave New Films has likewise been funded by Soros and others, and was responsible for multiple liberal films like Making a Killing and Koch Brothers Exposed.

Below is a list of donations made to AlterNet and IMI since 2003. Note: this list may not be exhaustive.