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As sexual harassment and assault accusations tear through celebrity and political circles, three women turned to a Soros-funded film group to once again share their allegations against President Donald Trump.

Trump has repeatedly denied the claims and at a campaign event in Oct, 2016, said at least one of the women “would not be my first choice.”

Rachel Crooks, Samantha Holvey and Jessica Leeds appeared in a Facebook live press conference hosted by Brave New Films (BNF) on Dec. 11, to call for a congressional investigation into Trump’s alleged behavior. Holvey claimed Trump ogled her in a dressing room during the 2006 Miss America pageant, Crooks claimed Trump kissed her on the mouth without her consent in 2005, while Leeds accused Trump of putting his hand up her skirt during a flight in the 1970s.

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Brave New Films, a nonprofit film group, received at least $1 million from Soros since 2007. Foundation Directory records showed Soros gave BNF $100,000 in 2007 and $500,000 in 2014. BNF annual reports indicated Soros gave at least $200,000 in 2015 and 2016 as well.

Another liberal group, The Ford Foundation gave Brave New Films at least $4.2 million since 2011.

The film company made multiple liberal documentaries including an anti-NRA video called Making a Killing and the repeatedly-updated smear campaign, Koch Brothers Exposed. BNF productions boasted more than 24 million viewers in 2016, and held more than 1,900 screenings around the country, according to its annual report.

The three women accusing Trump attended the BNF press conference after appearing on NBC’s Megyn Kelly Today. Holvey told Kelly it was “heartbreaking” to have people respond to their allegations by saying “Meh, we don’t care.” The three women, along with 13 others, first accused Trump of sexual misconduct during the 2016 campaign.

Holvey, Crooks and Leeds said they chose to come forward a second time because “the environment’s different” toward sexual harassment, following the career damage to other accused men including producer Harvey Weinstein, Senator Al Franken, longtime NBC anchor Matt Lauer and others.

Trump repeatedly denied the allegations during the campaign, including saying Leeds “would not be my first choice.” He continued, “When you looked at that horrible woman last night, you said, ‘I don't think so,’” at an October 2016 event.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a Dec. 11, 2017 press conference, “in this case, the President has denied any these allegations, as have eyewitnesses.”

“And again, the American people knew this and voted for the president and we feel like we’re ready to move forward in that process,” Sanders said.