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Climate alarmist and former vice-president Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Sequel is getting updated to slam President Donald Trump’s withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement.

An Inconvenient Sequel, as its name suggests, is a follow-up to Gore’s inaccurate 2006 climate change film An Inconvenient Truth. The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement was the climax of Sequel. So when Trump withdrew from the non-treaty, the producers “felt like we had to add something,” producer Jon Shenk told The Hollywood Reporter on June 26.

Re-editing the film is “an opportunity to harness the anger,” fellow producer Bonnie Cohen said.

Gore has been “very engaged and frankly is much less diplomatic now,” Cohen reported, “Since Trump pulled out, Al’s gloves have come off. And he’s been utterly disheartened and publicly doesn’t have to be diplomatic anymore.” Gore called Trump’s actions “reckless and indefensible” in a public statement following the Paris withdraw.

Gore’s updated documentary will have a “hopeful message” but also “call out Trump for attempting to undo the progress made on the climate front.”

Neither the film’s producers nor The Hollywood Reporter seemed interested in calling out Gore himself for the inaccuracies in both An Inconvenient Truth and An Inconvenient Sequel.

In the original 2007 documentary, Gore made at least 11 misleading claims, including linking individual natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina to climate change. Gore also claimed the filming of An Inconvenient Truth was carbon-neutral. That claim too was disproved.

In his sequel, Gore tried to prove one of his predictions had come true by rewriting his original claims. “If Greenland broke up and melted or if half of Greenland and half of West Antarctica broke up and melted,” Manhattan would be underwater, Gore claimed in 2006.

In An Inconvenient Sequel, Gore pretended his original prediction hinged on “the combination of sea level rise and storm surge.” The film then showed flooding after Superstorm Sandy as “proof.”