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The media “crusade” against Trump’s use of  Twitter because “they’ve decided that it’s a threat —  not to the American public, but to them,” MRC’s Dan Gainor said on Fox Business Network.

MRC’s Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor appeared on Intelligence Report With Trish Regan Dec. 28, to discuss the media’s treatment of President-Elect Donald Trump.

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“The media have long been influential in the election, generally tipping to the left. They can’t stand the fact that Trump goes another direction,” he said.

Gainor told Regan another reason the liberal media hate Trump’s Twitter is “because they know it squeezes them out.”

“The big reason we know what Trump thinks about Israel, and what he thinks — how he said that things are gonna change come Jan. 20, at the U.N., is because of his Twitter account,” he added.

Gainor tracked Trump’s Twitter use since the election and found that while Trump has criticized the media less, “the number of times he’s making policy statements and statements on what’s going on in the world have increased.”

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