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During Super Bowl 50, the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) wasn’t about to let biology get in the way of their propaganda.

While live-tweeting its reactions to Super Bowl commercials, NARAL threw science out the window to bemoan “humanizing” a fully-developed fetus.

The ignorance might be comical if NARAL hadn’t been given more than $ 6.6 million from liberal billionaires Warren Buffett and George Soros to promote their dangerously ignorant propaganda.

NARAL’s tweet was a response to Doritos’ Super Bowl 2016 ad which starred an expectant mother and her husband making their last ultrasound visit before the birth. At the beginning, the doctor is clearly heard saying “And there’s your beautiful baby! Any day now!,” letting viewers know this is a fully developed baby ready for delivery.

If “humanizing” a fully developed fetus is “antichoice tactic,” then it follows that the appropriate pro-abortion tactic is to dehumanize that baby. And that’s what NARAL has been doing for years, with the support of liberal donors.

Between 1989 and 2013, NARAL alone has received at least $6,667,969 from George Soros and Warren Buffett together.

Buffett is responsible for $5,453,119 of that through The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, while the remaining $1,214,850 came from Soros.

NARAL is just a fraction of Buffett’s total pro-abortion spending. Between 2001 and 2013, he was singlehandedly responsible for giving more than $1.33 billion to pro-abortion groups.

In 2013 alone, Buffett donated $99,809,148 to pro-abortion groups, including $62 million to Planned Parenthood and $756,236 to NARAL.