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A few Hillary supporters just learned an important lesson about paying attention to your candidate’s policies.

Following the announcement of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s  tax plan, late night TV host Jimmy Kimmel set out to find whether voters paid any attention to details.

"It seems to me most people pick a candidate and go along with whatever that candidate says,” Kimmel mused. It turns out he was correct.

The Jimmy Kimmel Show interviewed five Hillary Clinton supporters to find out how they felt about her, about Donald Trump and whether they supported her tax proposals: the catch was that instead of outlining her proposals, he used Trump’s. The results were astounding and hilarious.

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“Would you be able to support anything about Donald Trump?” the interviewer asked one woman. “In short - no,” she replied. Just seconds later, she wholeheartedly voiced her support for Trump’s plan to do away with taxes for those who make less than $25,000 each year.

Every other individual supported the tax plan when they thought it was Hillary’s as well.

One man even agreed it would be a good idea to reduce the corporate tax rate to 15 percent, from 35 percent when he thought it was Hillary Clinton’s proposal. Cutting corporate taxes? That really should have been a dead giveaway.

When the five interviewees found out that the tax policies were Trump’s, not Hillary’s, the reactions were comedy gold ranging from “He’s a pretty smart man.” to “Oh God! I hate him!”