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The man who plays the Incredible Hulk is angry: “angry that we are still debating climate change,” angry about fossil fuel investment and more.

Using the far-left environmental website Grist on June 17, Mark Ruffalo leveraged his fame and popularity to rage about the supposed danger of fossil fuels, and pushed his goal of 100 percent renewable energy by 2050. That goal was implausible at best, given the technological limitations, expense and intermittency of renewable sources. Of course, Ruffalo’s acting and directing has made him rich enough that higher energy bills wouldn’t hurt him too badly.

“I became an activist a number of years ago, when a good friend took me to Dimock, Pa., and I met residents who were concerned that the fracking going on in their community was contaminating their drinking water.” Ruffalo said. “They were being ignored, and they asked me to be their voice.”

The claims were overblown, but Ruffalo left out that part. The EPA responded to Dimock resident complaints and tested the several water wells, according to NPR’s StateImpact. After a total of 59 tests, the EPA found that “results from 12 water wells in the village of Dimock don’t reveal any unsafe levels of pollutants that would require further federal action.” The EPA found just one well with elevated methane levels.

Nevertheless, Ruffalo was still 100 percent sold on the “existential threat” of climate change and used Grist as his platform to present his solutions which he claimed don’t require “superhero strength.”

“Make no mistake. We are in a race against climate change. If we don’t make dramatic changes — soon — it won’t matter what political faction we align ourselves with or how much wealth we amass,” he warned.