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On this week’s AlliKat Show, reporters Alatheia “Alli” Nielsen and Katie “Kat” Yoder reveal to the American public the contents of the George Soros leaks. Because the media’s lips are “seal”ed.

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On Aug. 13, Russian hackers published thousands of documents from liberal billionaire George Soros’ foundations. The documents reveal that his foundations have kept busy paying researchers to dig up dirt on conservatives, funding Black Lives Matter, bailing out Planned Parenthood following last summer’s infamous undercover videos, and influencing Supreme Court justices.

But the broadcast network news shows from ABC, CBS, and NBC refuse to cover the leaks, even though Soros is a significant financial player in the 2016 presidential election. He has promised to give Clinton $25 million.

ABC’s Good Morning America is the only news show is the only broadcast news show to mention the leak, but their 9-second clip on Aug. 24 gave no substantial information.

According to Kat, however, the networks can spare the time. “If the news shows can spare almost two minutes replaying videos of seals, then they can find the time for this,” Kat stressed, but only “if they care about journalistic integrity.” The same ABC news show that gave 9 seconds to the Soros leak spent 1 minute, 49 seconds on a seal escaping orcas.

If the leaks showed “what the Koch brothers wanted policy to look like, you can bet the networks would be meticulously pouring through the documents for weeks,” Alli said, “But since Soros is a liberal supporting Clinton, the media are covering for him.”

Watch last week’s AlliKat Show on Target’s transgender bathroom policy here.