The Four Horsemen have finally arrived.
USA Todays David Lynch took readers through the peak
oil debate in an
October 17 cover story, and the picture was grim. Though he
called them a vocal minority, Lynch gave a lavish introduction to
those who believe the world is quickly running out of oil among
them a Princeton University professor emeritus named Kenneth
Deffeyes. Deffeyes predicted only the worst in store for the earth:
The least-bad scenario is a hard landing, global recession worse
than the 1930s, he said. The worst case borrows from the Four
Horsemen of the Apocalypse: war, famine, pestilence and death.
Lynch followed with, Hes not kidding.
The articles subheading read, Peak oil advocates
say brief gas shortages, soaring pump prices could become permanent
way of life. That was only part of the economic devastation the
article envisioned, though Lynch included the free market
perspective deeper in the article.
▪ Lynch said global demand would keep rising, pitting
American consumers against the rest of the world in an oily bidding
war. He predicted soaring prices on all sorts of oil-related
energy. However, much farther down in the article, he included
energy researcher Daniel Yergins view: that technological advances
the free market will continue to change both the supply and
demand scenes just as they have in the past. On the supply end,
advances in drilling and oil detection have brought the industry a
long way, Yergin noted. Meanwhile, consumers are demanding more
energy-efficient cars on the other end.
▪ Lynch cited an estimate that the cost of finding and
developing new sources of oil has risen about 15 percent annually.
in other media, oil companies are chided for making
profits profits they could pour back into research. Lynch,
however, hinted at the fact that profits drive innovation: As oil
prices now about $63 a barrel stay elevated, so-called
unconventional supplies of oil become economically feasible.
War, Famine, Pestilence and Death
suggested reading