Hurricane Katrina received nearly 24-hour TV coverage in the past
week, from rescue tales to the horrors of flooding, crime, and
people struggling to find food and water. Then demands for
accountability started pouring in but so did private donations to
the relief efforts. While print outlets like The Washington Post,
USA Today and The Wall Street Journal detailed more than $500
million given by American individuals and businesses, network news
focused on pleas for giving with passing coverage of those who
answered the call. And many of the companies that gave the most were
also the companies the media love to hate.
U.S. oil companies, drug companies and Wal-Mart have
been among the most generous contributors to the relief effort - a
fact the print media included. The
Washington Post reported on September 4 that oil companies had given
at least $15.5 million. Wal-Mart donated $17 million and the Walton
Family Foundation another $15 million, the Associated Press reported
on September 6. Drug companies have pledged more than $25 million,
according to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
But these contributions from companies regularly
vilified in the media received little or no attention in the last
week on ABC, NBC and CBS news shows. Past media reports have
attacked Wal-Mart for
low wages and anti-unionism and have chided drug companies
spending less than they make in profits.
The oil companies have attracted similar coverage,
especially through the summers high gas prices. NBCs Katie Couric
said on the August 17 Today, As we pay through the nose, someone
has to be smelling some pretty big profits. Out of those profits,
however, came charitable donations to hurricane relief. The Posts
September 4 report said that Exxon Mobil had pledged $7 million;
ConocoPhillips and Shell Oil Co., $3 million each; Marathon Oil
Corp. $1.5 million; and the BP Foundation, $1 million.
Shell Oil Co.s pledge, as well as Wal-Marts, was
mentioned on NBCs Dateline September 1. But after Stone Phillips
briefly cited those donations, he moved on to interviews with
celebrities who were going to star in NBCs own fundraising
telethon. Said reporter Chris Hansen: The concert here at NBC
studios is part of a massive outpouring of individual and corporate
support for Katrina's victims.
ABCs America Reaches Out series of broadcasts
encouraged private donations, giving advice about how to give and
ways to help. However, these stories didnt scratch the surface of
what was already going on. On the September 1 Good Morning
America, Barbara Pinto made a passing reference to major
corporations that have donated millions, but she didnt tell
viewers much more about the vast relief efforts under way.
The September 1 broadcast of ABCs Primetime Live
focused on a familiar refrain coming from network coverage: growing
cries of frustration and anger at the federal government. In the
middle of the story, Elizabeth Vargas said, No one can argue,
however, with the donations from corporations and private
individuals; $93 million have been donated in the three days since
the hurricane hit here. You compare that to the money raised after
the tsunami, $30 million raised in three days after the tsunami.
Immediately following that mention, she resumed the main line of
questioning, asking Democratic Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu, What
is your reaction to how the Federal government has responded?
ABC did pay attention to Waffle Houses donations in a
September 6 Good Morning America segment. Mike Von Fremd showed
how the company had responded to the disaster, bringing in
generators and food and providing paychecks for displaced employees.
The story included a brief allusion to J.C. Penneys and Wal-Marts
efforts to help affected workers.
Newspapers, meanwhile, gave more extensive coverage of
business donations. Rather than simply citing total figures or
alluding to private help, as the networks often did, print reporters
filled in a bit more of the picture of American giving.
USA Todays Edward Iwata on September 1 reported on
businesses quick response to the disaster, including the big news
that the rate of giving dwarfs contributions to other
hurricanes. USA Today ran another story the same day about home
supply workers like Home Depot and building contractors and their
preparations for helping after the storm. A Wall Street Journal news
roundup from September 1 named more companies and reported specific
amounts of pledges as well as donations of supplies.
The Washington Posts Jeffrey H. Birnbaum expanded the
coverage with a September 4 article entitled Stepping Up: Corporate
Efforts for the Stricken Gulf Are Unprecedented. That report
extensively covered companies efforts and donations, explaining how
businesses were working with charity organizations to meet peoples
needs. Birnbaum noted all kinds of companies, from toymakers to
textile manufacturers, wireless service providers, and oil
companies. Still, his account of U.S. drug companies giving didnt
approach the total pledged. He mentioned more than $4 million in
donations, but companies pledges have totaled more than $25
million, according to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers
of America.
Other companies donations:
General Electric Co.: $6 million
Coca-Cola Co.: $5 million
Citigroup: $3 million
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.: up to $3 million
Merrill Lynch: $1.5 million
Toyota: $1 million
Amerada Hess Corp.: $1 million
Capital One Financial Corp.: $1 million
State Farm Insurance: $1 million
Office Depot: $1 million
(Sources: Associated Press, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post)
The Understatement of American Generosity
suggested reading