Sam Dorman
Staff Writer

Sam Dorman was a staff writer and research analyst for MRC's Business Media Institute.

Sam Dorman | December 30, 2016

According to lefty billionaire George Soros, President-Elect Donald Trump is a “would-be dictator” and a danger to the world’s democratic institutions.

“Democracy is now in crisis. Even the U.S., the world’s…

Sam Dorman | December 30, 2016

One liberal academic argued for censorship of politicians who dissent from liberal orthodoxy on climate change.

History professor at California State University, Sacramento Joseph A. Palermo argued President-Elect Donald Trump should not…

Sam Dorman | December 29, 2016

CBS Evening News blunted marijuana's appeal after reporting how getting high could leave users violently ill.

CBS has a history of touting marijuana as a medical “miracle” and economic “gold rush,” but on Dec.…

Sam Dorman | December 23, 2016

Like stories of vampires, climate change is nothing new.

Interview with the Vampire author Anne Rice suggested as much in a Dec. 22, interview with the Daily Beast. While answering questions about her book Prince Lestat and the Realms of…

Sam Dorman | December 23, 2016

While appearing on Fox Business’ Risk & Reward, MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor mocked the media’s laughable inaccuracy in predicting a Hillary Clinton “landslide.”

Gainor responded to a…

Sam Dorman | December 21, 2016

As with the economy, government intervention can have unintended consequences. In Europe, the push to go green actually endangered lives through noxious air pollution.

London, Paris and European governments “aggressively promoted…