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Renata Kiss

Renata Kiss is a news analyst at MRC's Free Speech America and MRC Business. She previously wrote for The Washington Stand, Family Research Council's news and commentary outlet. When not writing, Renata enjoys the outdoors, museums, and taking photos when inspiration strikes.


Renata Kiss | February 15, 2023

Elon Musk says Big Tech oligarchs in San Francisco shouldn’t impose their values on the world for the sake of the future of our civilization.

Renata Kiss | February 14, 2023

Renowned podcast host Joe Rogan and Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi hashed out Elon Musk’s quirky business strategy at Twitter that ticked off many on the left.

Renata Kiss | February 14, 2023

Woke Inc. author Vivek Ramsawamy said that the left’s climate religion “has about as much to do with the climate as the Spanish inquisition had to with Christ which is to say nothing at all.”

Renata Kiss | February 10, 2023

Pierre Omidyar followed George Soros’s leftist billionaire blueprint and launched a so-called “ambitious” journalism program to spread radical propaganda in the United States.

Renata Kiss | February 8, 2023

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) said the quiet part out loud at Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee hearing on The Twitter Files. 


Renata Kiss | February 7, 2023

“[A]rguably, it’s as big a scandal as Watergate.” That’s how Joe Rogan described the liberal media’s deafening silence on the bombshell Twitter Files stories.