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Paul Detrick
Paul Detrick | November 14, 2007

     National Public Radio’s “Morning Edition” was one of few outlets to report that the cost of $100 oil hasn’t had the effect on the economy that many people expected, “at least not yet,” cautioned host Steve Inskeep November 12.

Paul Detrick | November 6, 2007

     Even though the media have been saying flight delays were so bad this year, it turns out they are better than last year.

    CNN’s November 6 “American Morning” anchor Kiran Chetry introduced a report on improved flight delays by…

Paul Detrick | October 26, 2007

     On CNN’s “American Morning” October 26, Ali Velshi gave a measured report on long-term prices of gas and oil, but anchor John Roberts wasn’t having it.


     “Are you buying any of…

Paul Detrick | October 24, 2007

     CNN exploited a national tragedy on October 23 by finding a way to blame global warming for wildfires.


     During the October 23 “Anderson Cooper 360: In the Line of Fire,” Cooper…

Paul Detrick | October 17, 2007

     What determines an economic crisis? According to “Good Morning America,” it’s sweater sales.


     ABC’s “GMA” began its October 17 broadcast with a report that might be confused…

Paul Detrick | October 4, 2007

     Meteorologist Rob Marciano clapped his hands on CNN’s “American Morning” and exclaimed, “Finally,” in response to a report that a British judge might ban the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” from UK schools because,…