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Nathan Burchfiel
Nathan Burchfiel | September 30, 2008

     In their continuing effort to cast the economy as “Wall Street versus Main Street,” many in the media have criticized the proposed $700 billion bailout of financial institutions as rewarding “fat cats” who made bad investments.

Nathan Burchfiel | September 26, 2008

     Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain suspended his campaign to help craft a government bailout of the financial sector not for the good of the country, but so he could take credit – at least according to his…

Nathan Burchfiel | September 19, 2008

     The news media could create its own encyclopedia of made-up economic indicators – sweater sales, Starbucks, McDonalds, puppy dogs and more – and NBC added a new one to the list September 19: Hershey’s chocolate.

     The “Today”…

Nathan Burchfiel | September 10, 2008

     CNN’s “best political team on television” is proving itself to be the best at closing its eyes, plugging its ears and repeating “la, la, la, we can’t hear you” when it comes to Republicans addressing economic concerns.

     CNN –…

Nathan Burchfiel | September 3, 2008

     The broadcast media just can’t seem to get past the notion that President George W. Bush has created economic turmoil.

     In a segment painting a dismal picture for Bush’s presidential legacy, CBS White House correspondent Jim…

Nathan Burchfiel | August 29, 2008

     It’s hard to squeeze in air time for positive economic news when it doesn’t fit the agenda of the Democratic presidential candidate you’re busy fawning over.

     On the night Sen. Barack Obama accepted his party’s nomination in…