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Kyle Gillis
Kyle Gillis | August 5, 2010

To have, or not to have. This is the question the media love to hype up.

In August 5 story for, reporter Rich Blake touted government data indicating a record number of food stamp recipients and a “sharp” increase in the number…

Kyle Gillis | August 5, 2010

If news outlets were fueled by bias, then ABC, CBS, and NBC would be Hummers.

Over the past two years, the media have declared Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) “dying” while celebrating the popularity of hybrid cars. Americans disagree. Data…

Kyle Gillis | July 29, 2010

The media pompoms are out again.

In his July 28 “Street Sweep” blog, reporter Colin Barr highlighted a paper by Moody’s Analytics claiming government stimulus funds “averted what could have been called Great Depression 2.0.”…

Kyle Gillis | July 28, 2010

If the newspaper business goes under, The Associated Press might try a second career as a fight promoter.

In a July 27 story following President Obama’s Rose Garden speech, AP released a tiny news brief about Obama’s call to Congress to…

Kyle Gillis | July 27, 2010

If you want to get tax policy made into law, you need it approved by the House, the Senate and … the media.

A July 27 CNNMoney story reported on the “tax hike nobody’s talking about,” which is the tiny Making Work Pay (MWP) tax credit…

Kyle Gillis | July 26, 2010

Maybe now would be the perfect time for the former British Petroleum to market itself as BP: Battery Plug-in. The realities of owning and operating the electric cars championed by the Obama administration and the environmental left are difficult…