Kristine Marsh
News Analyst

Kristine Marsh is a contributing news analyst for the Media Research Center's News Analysis Division. She formerly was a staff writer for MRC Culture, where she started as an intern in January of 2013.  Kristine's work has been featured by media outlets such as Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Times, among others. She is originally from California and graduated with a B.A. in English in 2011. She can be reached through email at

Kristine Marsh | May 14, 2014

America’s infrastructure isn’t as bad as networks news broadcasts, politicians and interest groups clamoring for more taxpayer dollars would have you believe.

In spite of statements from then-Transportation Secretary Ray…

Kristine Marsh | November 8, 2013

As it turns out, going green comes with a hefty price tag and at least a few media outlets have noticed. In Europe, the push toward renewables in order to meet carbon emission goals has “backfired,” driving costs way up, according to…

Kristine Marsh | November 5, 2013

Even though gay marriage advocates often say those marriages won’t hurt others, business owners have been finding out that isn’t true. Companies, especially wedding-related ones, from several states have been sued and harassed for…

Kristine Marsh | October 8, 2013

Well if a celebrity is for it, then it must be a good idea. The Obama administration launched a new social media campaign last week using controversial celebrities as spokespeople for the Affordable Care Act. Counting the celebrities’ Twitter…

Kristine Marsh | August 15, 2013

Wages have been big news in 2013, although the battle over a “living wage” has gotten little attention even as left-wing activists protest in cities across the country.

President Barack Obama called for an increase in…

Kristine Marsh | August 1, 2013

What do you call an increase in part-time and temporary workers along with stagnant unemployment numbers? Progress, according to the White House and the broadcast networks’ evening news programs.

The networks have…