Ken Shepherd
Former NewsBusters Managing Editor

Ken Shepherd lives in New Carrollton, Md., with his wife, Laura, and four children. Ken graduated cum laude from the University of Maryland in 2001 with a Bachelors of Arts in Government & Politics and a citation in Public Leadership. 

Ken worked for the Media Research Center from May 2001 to April 2016. He served as NewsBusters Managing Editor from 2007 until April 2016. Currently, he serves as "a universal-desk editor and digital writer" for The Washington Times.

In his spare time, Ken enjoys karaoke, tennis, reading, and discussing theology or politics.

Ken Shepherd | August 9, 2006

     You’ve been eating healthy all week, but you could really go for a cheesy, greasy steak sub right about now. Forget about it, CBS’s “Early Show” warned its audience on the August 9 show.



Ken Shepherd | August 9, 2006

     Greedy BP (NYSE: BP) skimped on maintenance to make even more money, charged liberal critics of the oil industry on the August 8 “World News with Charles Gibson” and “Nightly News.” Yet NBC’s Lisa Myers and ABC’s Betsy…

Ken Shepherd | August 8, 2006

     You’re shopping for jeans at the mall and Banana Republic is charging you twice what you would pay at Old Navy or Sears. Quick, call the government and report them!



Ken Shepherd | August 8, 2006

     Marking the one-year anniversary of longtime smoker Peter Jennings’ death from lung cancer, ABC’s Dr. Timothy Johnson wrote up a prescription as outdated and ineffective as bleeding a patient: growing government.

Ken Shepherd | August 7, 2006

     Leave it to “60 Minutes” to find a negative development in a tide of American prosperity lifting all boats.


     “The Joneses, that mythic family America vainly tries to keep up…

Ken Shepherd | August 7, 2006

     Has CNN’s reporting on food gone to the dogs?


     The audience of the August 5 edition of “In the Money” might suspect as much. On that program business contributor Andy Serwer…