Julia A. Seymour
Contributing Writer

Julia A. Seymour was the Assistant Managing Editor for the MRC Business where she analyzed and exposed media bias on a range of economic and business issues. She has written Special Reports including Global Warming Censored, UnCritical Condition, Networks Hide the Decline in Credibility of Climate Change Science and Obama the Tax Cutter.

Seymour has also appeared on Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network and the Christian Broadcasting Network and has been an in-studio guest on the G. Gordon Liddy Show. She has also done hundreds of radio interviews on a wide-range of topics with stations in more than 35 states as well as many nationally syndicated programs. Her work has appeared or been mentioned by radio host Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, The Drudge Report, WorldNetDaily, USA Today, CNBC.com, Motley Fool and “Ted, White and Blue” by Ted Nugent. Prior to joining BMI in 2006, she was a staff writer for Accuracy in Academia where she wrote  about bias in lower and higher education and contributed to the book “The Real MLA Stylebook.” She holds a B.S. in Mass Communications: Print Journalism from Liberty University.

Julia A. Seymour | April 5, 2019

The strong March jobs report “should end” concerns that a recession is “lurking” as one Hill op-ed suggested March 1. The media worried and speculated over recession throughout the entire month of March.


Julia A. Seymour | April 4, 2019

In spite of growing wages, extremely low unemployment and nearly 3 percent economic growth in 2018, the liberal media are becoming obsessed with recession. It didn’t matter that CFOs were confident the U.S. economy “will not…

Julia A. Seymour | March 28, 2019

A melting glacier in Greenland has reversed course, adding ice mass and shocking scientists. But since it’s supposed to be part of global warming, it’s “bad news” even when the glacier added ice.

When it was losing…

Julia A. Seymour | March 28, 2019

The Green New Deal plan got zero votes in the Senate this week. Z-E-R-O. Yet progressives continue to claim people “like” the plan, with the help of the liberal media.

Not a single Democrat senator voted in favor of the Green…

Julia A. Seymour | March 25, 2019

Liberals and the media were obsessed with the idea that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia. California billionaire Tom Steyer expected the investigation would provide proof of “collusion.” He cited it as one of 10 reasons to…

Julia A. Seymour | March 22, 2019

It turns out the Green New Deal is even too extreme for even the solar and wind industry — especially its elements that extend far beyond energy and climate policy, according to Reuters.

Just don’t expect other media to jump…