Julia A. Seymour
Contributing Writer

Julia A. Seymour was the Assistant Managing Editor for the MRC Business where she analyzed and exposed media bias on a range of economic and business issues. She has written Special Reports including Global Warming Censored, UnCritical Condition, Networks Hide the Decline in Credibility of Climate Change Science and Obama the Tax Cutter.

Seymour has also appeared on Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network and the Christian Broadcasting Network and has been an in-studio guest on the G. Gordon Liddy Show. She has also done hundreds of radio interviews on a wide-range of topics with stations in more than 35 states as well as many nationally syndicated programs. Her work has appeared or been mentioned by radio host Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, The Drudge Report, WorldNetDaily, USA Today, CNBC.com, Motley Fool and “Ted, White and Blue” by Ted Nugent. Prior to joining BMI in 2006, she was a staff writer for Accuracy in Academia where she wrote  about bias in lower and higher education and contributed to the book “The Real MLA Stylebook.” She holds a B.S. in Mass Communications: Print Journalism from Liberty University.

Julia A. Seymour | July 28, 2011

Both houses of Congress are fighting over the debt ceiling - the Senate debating a plan by Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid and the House voting on a bill pushed by Speaker John Boehner. So far, only one actual bill has passed, but it was…

Julia A. Seymour | July 25, 2011

With so many media reports focused on getting a deficit ceiling deal and competing plans to "slash spending," you might be surprised to learn that "spending cut plans don't cut spending."

The liberal news media have been tossing…

Julia A. Seymour | July 14, 2011

The 2010 elections, which changed the balance of power in the House, were driven by popular opposition to government spending, debt and the threat of tax increases. Yet even with the federal debt limit already breached and only days left to…

Julia A. Seymour | July 8, 2011

A senior political adviser to the Obama administration said on July 6 that in 2012, people won't be voting based on the unemployment rate, according to The Hill newspaper.

Of course, adviser David Plouffe said that two days before the…

Julia A. Seymour | July 7, 2011

Pick up a copy of Newsweek, The New York Times or turn on any of the three broadcast networks and it isn't difficult to see how biased U.S. media outlets are on climate issues.But, according to some in academia and the U.S. and European news…

Julia A. Seymour | June 29, 2011

It is rare when a member of the news media takes on one of his brethren over bad reporting, but that's exactly what CNBC's Jim Cramer did on "Mad Money" June 28.Cramer soundly criticized Ian Urbina of The New York Times for his June 25 story…