Joseph Vazquez
MRC Free Speech America & MRC Business Associate Editor

Joseph is the MRC Associate Editor for Business & Free Speech America. He graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. in Political Science from The George Washington University in 2018. In June, 2019, he completed an exclusive fellowship with the Hertog Foundation, where he participated in their "Nuclear Strategy and World Order" program. For MRC Business, he oversees projects and media coverage concerning dark money, political spending, economics and finance. In addition, his oversight includes Free Speech America's CensorTrack project, which involves documenting cases of Big Tech bias against conservatives and crafting censorship studies accordingly. His work has been featured on Drudge Report, Fox News, Breitbart, Life News, The Daily Wire, Bongino Report, The Washington Times, Washington Examiner, CBN News, Savage Nation and The Mark Levin Show.

Joseph Vazquez | October 5, 2021

New York Times economist Paul Krugman is rehashing a batty idea that former Daily Show host and comedian Jon Stewart mocked him for over eight years ago.

In a new blog headlined “Wonking Out: Biden Should Ignore the Debt Limit and…

Joseph Vazquez | October 4, 2021

Things just keep getting worse for the liberal media in their efforts to insulate President Joe Biden and his party’s onerous $3.5 trillion budget bill from criticism. Americans are seeing right through the propaganda.

A new poll of 1,076…

Joseph Vazquez | October 1, 2021

In the fantasy land of New York Times apostate conservative columnist David Brooks, the crazy Democrat spending agenda serves “moral and cultural purposes.” 

Brooks' new op-ed, headlined “This Is Why We Need to Spend $4 Trillion,”…

Joseph Vazquez | September 30, 2021

American voters are not buying any of the propaganda the liberal media has been pushing in trying to sell the $3.5 trillion spending monstrosity put forward by the Democratic Party.

A new poll of 1,000 likely voters by Rasmussen Reports…

Joseph Vazquez | September 29, 2021

Climate activist James Murdoch has used his foundation to funnel more than $14 million to a leftist group that crusaded against America’s so-called “environmental racism.”

Murdoch, the estranged son of News Corporation Executive Chairman…

Joseph Vazquez | September 28, 2021

The glowing predictions New York Times economist Paul Krugman made about ‘Bidenomics’ are falling flat, so he’s taken to attacking moderate Democrats and suggesting white working-class voters are racist.

Krugman screeched in a new op-ed…