Joseph Vazquez
MRC Free Speech America & MRC Business Associate Editor

Joseph is the MRC Associate Editor for Business & Free Speech America. He graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. in Political Science from The George Washington University in 2018. In June, 2019, he completed an exclusive fellowship with the Hertog Foundation, where he participated in their "Nuclear Strategy and World Order" program. For MRC Business, he oversees projects and media coverage concerning dark money, political spending, economics and finance. In addition, his oversight includes Free Speech America's CensorTrack project, which involves documenting cases of Big Tech bias against conservatives and crafting censorship studies accordingly. His work has been featured on Drudge Report, Fox News, Breitbart, Life News, The Daily Wire, Bongino Report, The Washington Times, Washington Examiner, CBN News, Savage Nation and The Mark Levin Show.

Joseph Vazquez | March 1, 2023

The Washington Post and CNBC tried to wokescold Twitter owner Elon Musk for advancing the Wuhan COVID-19 lab leak theory. The outlets attempted to achieve this by pushing … Communist Chinese state propaganda.

The Post, owned by…

Joseph Vazquez | February 28, 2023

Politico is apparently suffering from a bout with confusion. The liberal outlet is floating “sav[ing] the planet” by blocking — *checks notes* — the thing that literally gives the planet life.

Politico ran a headline promoting the mad…

Joseph Vazquez | February 28, 2023

A new analysis follows MRC Free Speech America’s lead in exposing the enormous left-wing political bias that undergirds Big Tech giant Google.

AllSides — a media solutions company that purports to “expose people to information and ideas…

Joseph Vazquez | February 27, 2023

MSNBC regular and blowhard Donny Deutsch insisted the Democrats’ laundry list of inflation-exacerbating spending initiatives throughout President Joe Biden’s time in office was just the epitome of competence.

Insufferable MSNBC Morning…

Joseph Vazquez | February 24, 2023

PolitiFact admitted that former President Donald Trump’s deregulation of an Obama-era rule didn’t have any impact on the Ohio train disaster, despite the media blather insinuating the contrary.

The leftist fact-checker conceded Feb. 17…

Joseph Vazquez | February 23, 2023

A Bloomberg Opinion columnist apparently didn’t care too much for optics when she actually tried to characterize working-age men dropping out of the workforce as “progress.”

Bloomberg columnist Allison Schrager penned misandrist…